Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why We Aren't Friends

So I just finished watching MaxNoSleeve's video on Youtube about the things that make him say "Alas, I shall no longer acknowledge thee as a comrade" or something. If you want to watch it, then simply do so before you continue to read this one.

And I for one have the same idea of when to say "enough" to a person so I decided to make a list of what turns me off in a platonic way. Did I even make any sense? I do not know.

  • When a person flirts around too much that it makes you to just say "Stop, we get it, you're 'friendly'".
I mean, for me, when a pretty girl/handsome guy who knows they can get all the men/women they want do this, it makes me sad. Kind of. I mean, okay you have all the favors on your side, but come on. Make good decisions. Don't be like that. Just don't.

  • When having a conversation and you try to make snide comments, especially if they are unrelated to our topic.
Once, I met this person while drinking, and we were talking about what her course was and what she does in the said course and etc. And then, out of nowhere, she then proceeds to tell me that she thinks that this girl is a bitch. I was taken aback because a.) I'm friends with the girl she's referring as the bitch and b.) my friend wasn't. So what happened was, I asked her why she think that is and she explained, but after a few seconds, she went all "Omg my hair is so dull, like don't you think?" Omg. Seriously? I'm not really the patient person who can tolerate such actions. I prefer you shut the fuck up.

  • When a person flaunts/boasts too much.
Oh you have a new bag? Yeah, I heard you say that for like 5 times now. Oh you went to a party last night though you had an exam today? Yeah I saw you tweet that like 3 times last night. Oh you're going out with this really attractive guy? Well good for you, aren't you so pretty? Oh you can't decide whether or not to use your iPhone or your Blackberry? Why not just sell the Blackberry if you constantly comment on how iPhones are the "bomb". Oh you just had sex? Cool beans. Can you unfollow a person in real life? Please let that happen.

  • When a person makes everything about him/her
For example, you went out with this person and things didn't work out and then a storm comes and you tweet "The weather understands me" or "Omg it's raining because I'm sad". I mean, motherfuck-- if you mean it sarcastically, I will join you. But if you're really serious, then goodbye.

  • When you start talking about animes/cartoons/tagalog shows
I'm sorry but I know a lot of people who are really into this but I'm really sorry, I'm not feeling it. So I may just stop talking to you.

  • When people try to stick their noses into your beeswax, regardless of how close you are
Especially if we just met like 2 days ago and you hear my problem from my friends and you go to me and say "Dude omg you know what you should do vskgjnoigwrupioqgqwehwr". I mean, I hardly acknowledge you as my acquaintance so what can you possibly say to me that will make me care?

I'm sorry. Most of what I've typed here are really rude and somewhat offensive. But seriously, if you think about it, it's really like this simple. All the simple things make you tick off. Sorry. I still love you. Muah.

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